God, I need your help
I mentioned in my last blog that a dysfunctional life needs God to get involved. Taking the "DYS" from the word and we have functional. Let's turn those 3 letters into three steps.
1. D- Done (I am done doing it my way)
2. Y- Yes (Yes, I need help me)
3. S- Steady (Stay steady on your new course)
1. Done. It just might be that I am doing things incorrectly. Let God help, and let God use others to help. Put your pride to the side and ask for help. Ask in the right place, a wise friend or profesional.
2. Say "Yes" to God. God is the best source for help. If you do not have a relationship with God, take the steps to get connected. A Pastor or a Christian friend can help. You can talk to God directly through prayer. God does listen and will respond. Just be open to His response as it may not be in the form that you are expecting.
3. Stay "Steady" on your renewed course. As you are walking a new path so to speak, stay on course. On this new path you will learn to react differently and respond in more positive ways. Walk with confidence trusting in God.
"We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall." Prov. 16:33 NLT
Don't be afraid to walk. God will guide where that step falls!