Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Full Bloom

I came across Isaiah 62 a couple of days ago. The first couple of verses have been on my mind in part because of a splendid looking tree in our large front yard at the children's home. The tree is called a "Jacaranda" and this time of year it fills with purple flowers. The tree is in full bloom and stands out from everything else around it.
These verses of Isaiah talk about praying for Jerusalem fervently until she comes into full bloom and becomes a blessing to all around her. 
Our lives as followers of Jesus should have this characteristic of full bloom. We should (I should) be light and hope for those around us. 
Philippians 1:9 says, "that your love will overflow more and more," and talks about our spiritual growth. This is what our lives are all about. The Jacaranda tree looses flowers continuously while it is in bloom covering the street or place below with a purple covering. Let your life be a blessing that overflows touching those that are around, under, and near you. Where ever you are let your life bloom and overflow! Blessings and have a wonderful April!