Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Inside out

Is there a side of you that nobody knows? I do not normally show allot of emotion; I don't laugh much, cry, or get mad too often. To really know me it may take time to see all sides of who I am. What we do here with children and persons is similar to what I mention above in that it takes time to know all sides of a life. To be able to help someone there needs to be a degree of trust, and that takes time. When trust develops people change, well not really change, but rather show the hidden sides of their lives. Seeing the real and whole person makes it possible to have a real conversation. 
Building trust can take many forms depending on the person. Having trust enables us to let our hair down so to speak.
There is a big difference between when someone you trust says something and when a stranger says the same thing. You can joke and clown around with someone you trust, but that is uncomfortable and usually not possible or wise with someone that you do not know. If you get close enough emotionally you can touch someone even to the depth of their heart. At that depth you have the opportunity to move things for the good, but it also comes with the big responsibility of handling with great care an already sensitive heart. 
Trust is a powerful tool that too often is used for wrong motives. It is like a firearm in that by itself it will do no harm, but in the wrong hands can do great harm. Much damage has been caused in lives because of the misuse of trust. That damage can only be undone by the correct use of trust. Trust in God first and let him heal your heart. In his process God may connect you with someone that will put to good use that wonderful tool of trust. Jesus says in John 10:10 "I have come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly." Trust in Him and have a wonderful day!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Let God transform your me.

I ran across a little word the other day that caused me to pause and ponder what I just read. This has not been the first time, in fact many times it has happened. A two letter word that has changed my way of thinking. This little reminder of mine has been a help to me in life causing me to be a better person. The word I am referring to is "us".
In Matthew 6:11 it says, "Give us this day our daily bread." I used to think of this as God providing my needs, but I now see it as meeting our needs. It is normal to feel hunger and say that I am hungry, but it takes compassion and insight to know that many have little or nothing to eat. Compassion should be part of our lives as it will transform us into good hearted people. 
When you pray today give thanks for what God has done and provided for you, and always believe God to provide extra so that you have to give to the needy around you. The verse mentioned above has helped me to think less of myself and more of others around me in need. May God give you a wonderful day, but not just for you but for those around you as well.