Wednesday, July 11, 2018


I don't remember a whole lot of when I was very young. Having fun was the main part of life. Working with kids for so many years I have seen and learned that those "boys years" are so very important to the man years that come later. I have also seen how a little good love can go a long way.
The kids here at the Casa are now out of school and look for things to fill up their extra hours of each day. I am using this moment as my inspiration for the post. I try to share love with all that come to us here at Casa de Niños. My actions and words play a part in the future of these kids. Even though I have not reached perfection I have found that many lives have been impacted by my life. 
Maybe like myself you can remember words or phrases that were used positively or negatively toward you when you were young. What sticks with us well are those moments good and bad that left a deep impression in our hearts. School is one place where we often have things said that hurt us. It is inevitable in life that we will get hit by mean words. Home needs to be, but not always is, a place where we can get built up, restored, and prepared for walking in the world where people say or do hurtful things. 
As I got older I learned that with God's help these hard times can actually help me become stronger and a better person. I know that I am loved, and I also know that I am not loved by everyone. I draw my strength and comfort from those around me that love me just as I am. I learned that love is a choice that I make and it is not dependent on moods, frustrations, or struggles that are in my life or in the lives of those around me. Continue loving just as God loves you and cares for you. Love does work. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, May 28, 2018

The Home connection

Being connected is a term that has new meaning in this generation. We can stay connected no matter where we are in the world. With a touch of a button we can communicate by voice or with a video. We can send pictures and videos instantly to friends, family, or coworkers. I have been very impressed by all that we can do through the internet. I have the world in the palm of my hand.
. A sad reality though in this culture is that we connect less personally with family, friends, and coworkers. The temptation of having the world in your hand is great and we give into the temptation of looking into the internet and ignoring the person that is close to us. We miss the little clues that those around us may give saying that they need us, or need someone warm and personal to listen to them. Family, friends, and all those around you begin to feel less important. Not being able to get that personal time with someone leaves them and us more prone to other things around that are not good for us or good for society in general. Society is on a crash course with disaster as we can see many of those signs around us happening now. 
Try leaving more time for others. Leave the phone in the house or in the car. Have some real time with loved ones around you. Invest in others by giving your full attention. Let love shine!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Inside out

Is there a side of you that nobody knows? I do not normally show allot of emotion; I don't laugh much, cry, or get mad too often. To really know me it may take time to see all sides of who I am. What we do here with children and persons is similar to what I mention above in that it takes time to know all sides of a life. To be able to help someone there needs to be a degree of trust, and that takes time. When trust develops people change, well not really change, but rather show the hidden sides of their lives. Seeing the real and whole person makes it possible to have a real conversation. 
Building trust can take many forms depending on the person. Having trust enables us to let our hair down so to speak.
There is a big difference between when someone you trust says something and when a stranger says the same thing. You can joke and clown around with someone you trust, but that is uncomfortable and usually not possible or wise with someone that you do not know. If you get close enough emotionally you can touch someone even to the depth of their heart. At that depth you have the opportunity to move things for the good, but it also comes with the big responsibility of handling with great care an already sensitive heart. 
Trust is a powerful tool that too often is used for wrong motives. It is like a firearm in that by itself it will do no harm, but in the wrong hands can do great harm. Much damage has been caused in lives because of the misuse of trust. That damage can only be undone by the correct use of trust. Trust in God first and let him heal your heart. In his process God may connect you with someone that will put to good use that wonderful tool of trust. Jesus says in John 10:10 "I have come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly." Trust in Him and have a wonderful day!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Let God transform your me.

I ran across a little word the other day that caused me to pause and ponder what I just read. This has not been the first time, in fact many times it has happened. A two letter word that has changed my way of thinking. This little reminder of mine has been a help to me in life causing me to be a better person. The word I am referring to is "us".
In Matthew 6:11 it says, "Give us this day our daily bread." I used to think of this as God providing my needs, but I now see it as meeting our needs. It is normal to feel hunger and say that I am hungry, but it takes compassion and insight to know that many have little or nothing to eat. Compassion should be part of our lives as it will transform us into good hearted people. 
When you pray today give thanks for what God has done and provided for you, and always believe God to provide extra so that you have to give to the needy around you. The verse mentioned above has helped me to think less of myself and more of others around me in need. May God give you a wonderful day, but not just for you but for those around you as well.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

A good neighbor to have.

In searching for a place to live I would look for good streets that are clean, where people still respect
one another, sidewalks and a park, hearing laughter rather than shouting, and having a good coffee shop close by. I would want to hear birds singing and to be able to sit on a bench under the shade of a beautiful tree. I like space so having good sized lots to have room for a garden and a few trees. I would not want to feel the coldness of a heartless neighbor, or to be scorched by a nearby hothead. I would like a stop sign on the corner where people stopped and smiled at people crossing in front of them. Just a few things that come to mind. I think we would all love to live in a good neighborhood. 
I was thinking about my neighborhood when I read these words this morning, "Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.  Your kingdom come.", the rest of the Lord's prayer we know pretty well. I thought to myself what would God look for and would He want to move next door to me? I hope he would. This thought motivates me to be kind hearted to all, and to love my neighbor even if he or she is not very lovable. I want to be a "good neighbor to have." Hope you have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 8, 2018


I probably at some time in my life have been called a dummy.  The word today is not as commonly used as it was a few decades ago. An image of dumb that sticks in my mind is of chickens. Those that handle large numbers of chickens transport them grouped in small cages. I have seen a cage opened expecting the chickens to rush to get out, but to my amazement only seeing an open door, not even one chicken trying to get out. Even after being put out they try to return to the "comfort" of their uncomfortable life. It's sad they learn to live in their own captivity.
Have you known someone in the midst of a struggle or maybe just a rough life, and you being able to see a clear way out for them? Time and time again they bump into the same wall. That's dumb we think.
Maybe though the saddest part of all this is the rest of us that do nothing or little to help, or just being an example and light showing them the way to move ahead.
You are the light of the world. Show others a better way of living. Guide someone to Jesus today.