Thursday, October 25, 2012


Having some nice conversation with my dad in Minnesota and catching a gold finch preparing for the coming colder weather. I miss a snowfall and it is nice to be in Minnesota at the right time to enjoy the snow, then return to Mexico where the weather is much warmer. 
It is amazing seeing these birds prepare as it seems for more difficult times. They were flying back and forth for some time filling themselves then it started to snow and they stopped coming to the feeder. 
I wish that I had that type of wisdom; knowing and preparing. I do often know that something is coming but have not prepared or done the things that should have been done. God tells us things in his word then shows us those principles in his creation so that we should not miss it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sunny Day!

On my trip to Minnesota I was able to prove to myself again that it is always a sunny day. We sometimes get caught up on getting down and out when things don't go as we like. This simple reminder shows me too that God is always good even when it does not appear that way.
I will be in Minnesota for 3 weeks visiting family and out believing God for additional support for the work that Irma and I do at Casa de Ninos. Pray for Irma as she will be at Casa de Ninos holding up the fort, and still taking care of our charming baby.
Blessings to you all and have a wonderful day!