Monday, February 27, 2017

An angry child is a situation that we have all dealt with and in my work at a children's home with abused and abandoned children it is a common thing. In a child it is a condition that can usually be worked through over a period of time depending in the circumstance. 
Over the past months I have been very saddened by an epidemic of anger in our society. I am not going to take time to talk about where this terrible problem comes from but I do want to talk about why we let it persist. Anger in most persons is a thing that can be turned off; definitely controlled. So why do so many persons refuse to do just that? Jesus came to clearly show us this very concept. Love is so heavily talked about in the bible. The issue is covered extremely well. Love one another. It even makes it clear that we are to love our enemies. We all know this and that it is for our own well being. When we are at peace with others we feel better. When we love others joy abounds within us. When we love our enemies we walk in society with a smile on our faces and our chins up not having to turn away from anyone. It's time to act like a grown up and walk in love. Be an example to those around you so that they are inspired or embarrassed by their childlike behavior. Add love to the ingredients of your day and the anger will disappear. Our world today really needs love. That starts with you and me. Have a wonderful day!

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