Wednesday, July 11, 2018


I don't remember a whole lot of when I was very young. Having fun was the main part of life. Working with kids for so many years I have seen and learned that those "boys years" are so very important to the man years that come later. I have also seen how a little good love can go a long way.
The kids here at the Casa are now out of school and look for things to fill up their extra hours of each day. I am using this moment as my inspiration for the post. I try to share love with all that come to us here at Casa de Niños. My actions and words play a part in the future of these kids. Even though I have not reached perfection I have found that many lives have been impacted by my life. 
Maybe like myself you can remember words or phrases that were used positively or negatively toward you when you were young. What sticks with us well are those moments good and bad that left a deep impression in our hearts. School is one place where we often have things said that hurt us. It is inevitable in life that we will get hit by mean words. Home needs to be, but not always is, a place where we can get built up, restored, and prepared for walking in the world where people say or do hurtful things. 
As I got older I learned that with God's help these hard times can actually help me become stronger and a better person. I know that I am loved, and I also know that I am not loved by everyone. I draw my strength and comfort from those around me that love me just as I am. I learned that love is a choice that I make and it is not dependent on moods, frustrations, or struggles that are in my life or in the lives of those around me. Continue loving just as God loves you and cares for you. Love does work. Have a wonderful day!

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