Thursday, June 28, 2012

Just Thinking

Just thinking again,well I do that allot actually. I find myself taking a pause many times in the day to ponder something. This morning I had one of those pondering moments as I was reading the word, and thinking about things. I was reading in Ephesians 5 when that thought you see over there hit me. In Ephesians Paul teaching or warning us to stay on track, or not get into things that will mess us up. I think that Paul was seeing this same thought and was moved by the Holy Spirit to record some "inspired thoughts" for a much larger group that what he intended, but Paul responding to a danger that would contaminate the church wrote those words.

Just thinking, but how did we get into this mess? The USA, a country founded on Gods' principles, and filled with markings of a Godly nation, and filled with Godly people. "Godly people" has to be the weak link in that above phrase. We have somehow allowed that "we" in the phrase "In God we trust" to become in question. Can we without a doubt say that we are a Godly nation, or say as a nation,  In God we trust? 
I know that I need to start in my own heart and mind keeping my foundations solid and clear. I need to demonstrate to my world that yes their is a God and that Jesus died for mine and your sins. Our Nation, families, and lives are messed up. 

"Greater in He that is in me than he that is in the world"

Let that thought rule your life and everything else has to fall to its knees.
Have a wonderful day.

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