Thursday, July 12, 2012

Twenty+ years ago!

We were looking through some of those old style pictures with a person that used to be at the Casa. I came across some pictures that I had not seen for some time. This picture would have been just over twenty years ago and the truck that I bought for $500 dollars to drive my personal belongings down to Tepic. Just before I left I picked up a couple of used parts from the junk yard, and actually needed one of those pieces on the trip down to Tepic. 
Time flies by as it does not seem like I have been in Tepic for more than 20 years. As I look back from now to the time of that picture so much has happened in those years. God has done much in my life and I like to believe much through my life. I thank God for what he has done in my life and for all the blessings through the years.
Take a look back into your life and thank Him for those great things he has done.

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